Saturday, January 29, 2011


      Queue, its very hard to trace back exactly when and how the first ever 'Queue' in the history of mankind was formed. But one can say that its one of the symbol of 'Civilization' for sure. Justice, Equality, Fraternity are foundation blocks of our our Constitution. And all these characters are represented by 'Queue'. Various characters of the Q defines the extent of Civilization of a Society.
      The Q is a sample space of a society's culture, values, composition, socio-economic status of an individuals. There is famous dialog by Amithabh Bachhan in 'Kaliya' "  हम जहा खड़े होते है लाइन वहा से शुरू होती है "     Now this reflect the status attached with Q.
      There are some characters of Q from one can understand the Socio-economic condition of that particular society. For example, length of Q at multiplex is directly proportional to the Economic development of Society. Whereas a length of a Q at PDS (Public Distribution System) Shops it is directly proportional to unhealthy the economic condition of society.  

    Respect to Q  by individuals shows their faith and confidence in the corresponding system. On the other hand if people are not confident about the system they will try to break it. In day-today conversations we use " अब आयाना लाइन पे " which relates to following laws only. Restless persons in Q shows that they are loosing faith in the system but still have hope for the improvement. Now if their needs are not taken care by the System in time, they will manipulate rules and develop their own system to fulfill their needs. In todays scenario lobbying is such example. One can relate this to the emergence of Mafia Raj too.

    If the persons starts getting services without standing in a Q, it frustrate others. If the frustration is ingnored for long time there is a strong possibility the system will collapse. This will lead to chaos & Anarchy in a society or state.
   In the context of our society, most of the people are still standing out side the PDS shope and the frustrating part is they are not being served by State, now this may leads to anarchy in society. Most of the economically well citizen don't care about lines. For them it is insult to their status and hence always use their 'Contacts' for breaking lines. Use of contacts is safe & invisible method without frustrating others. Today Irrespective of social economic status everyone is trying to break the line. In other words breaking line is a 'Status Symbol'. As long as this mindset is therein society no law can prevent from the failure of a constitutional sate. 

For healthy society Qs must be studied & must be taken seriously !! 

Friday, January 28, 2011

Cost of raising Voice

In British India those who raised their voice against government were hanged to death or imprisoned for the life. Today the situation is even worst. Those who have raised their voice has to pay it not by imprisonment but by life. RTI activist such as Amit Jethwa, Datta Patil, Satish Shetty and many other had the same faith. The horrifying crime of 25 January proved  that even the men who are in the system, high officials are not spare for the 'crime'.

In our country for ever activity we have well established system, rule & procedure. But unholy nexuses between Politicians, Business communities & Bureaucrats has given us alternative solution for getting work done is 'Mafia'. Every other sector is occupied by them. If one can not get the thing done by legal procedure, he can easily approach this community and can get success in first attempt for sure.And the best part is there is no court of law where you can appeal against their miss doings. So far so good. Everything was going smooth. Every one was happy. But now this Mafia has turned to 
well known  mythological  asur Bhasmasur for those who created it.

With the life of an Additional Collector our Babus & politicians have pulled up their socks to fight this Asur.  Its very sad the life of many RTI  activists couldnt wake up the government till now. But now one  can hope for the result oriented action & permanent solutions to fix this Asur.  

When we all are blaming government for its maladministration, where do we stand? Whenever we break any law, we boast about it to friends and in society. We just don't want to follow any law. Not even a queue. We feel proud whenever break queue and look down to those people who are standing in queue waiting for their turn. What is this all indicate to? In simple words this is the start of maladministration.
And today our behavior has taken this ugly face.

Its time to change ourselves and not just government alone !!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A letter to BJP

Dear Sir,

In middle of 18th century Marathas started form Pune conquered entire north India and put their flag on Attock. As history says that Marathas intenstion was not to rule and set any kind of administration, but only to conquer it . It was symbol of their strength. They had to show it. A symbol to claim right on foreign territory.
The  'Ekata Yatra' which has been started by BJP is taking us back to same Medieval period. Generating a sense that BJP is conquering some foreign land and attaching claiming India's right on it. But Jammu & Kashmir is an integral part of our India. We don't have to claim it. By taking  such 'Yatra' I think we are accepting that J&K is not a part of India and hence need to be claimed or conquered. Sir, we are not opposing flag hoisting but the way it is being carried out. We would be very happy to see that BJP is building a confidence in J&K people along with its restless youth and they all are hoisting a flag in Lal Chauk with proud.

For Kashmir Valley last summer was a terrible one. Its well know that incumbent government at center did not react   well in time to content anger of youth there. As one of the national party we did not come across any kind of pro-active step from BJP to understand, to reach and to support the people out there. BJP ought to undertake steps to build up confidence, trust in the mind and heart of people of J&K.

On the other hand we are facing darkest time in democratic independent India. Scams, food price inflation, anarchy in high offices every thing is at its peek. At this hour, we need a strong opposition so that a common man can have a reason to keep faith in democracy. Yes incumbent government has failed on all these account. But what about opposition parties?  We need a constructive opposition. An opposition not for the sake of opposing but with alternate, possible solutions too. The sand taken by BJP on Nuclear Liability Bill showed a constructive opposition.

 We have many expectations from Party. And hope BJP we fulfill all those. 

